Friday, April 15, 2016


A wise and talented man once told me that ‘it doesn’t matter how great your book is, if no one knows it exists, they don’t know to buy it.’ As the quintessential ‘critically acclaimed, starving artist,’ my ‘resources’ to get my book in the public eye are limited. Now there’s Thunderclap. 

Thunderclap is a new website that allows people to pledge to Tweet or Facebook a message, all at the same time on the same day. It is by far the easiest way for my family and friends to help me get word of my book out. Follow the link below, where you agree to allow Thunderclap to post my designed post on the day of its release on one or more social platforms. It’s a book blast flashmob! 

I PROMISE you, they will post this post, and ONLY this post. I’ve supported other Thunderclap campaigns and have NEVER had a single problem with them posting anything else. HOWEVER, this campaign will only take place if enough people join the campaign.

 I would be ever so truly grateful for your participation in this campaign…for your support of my work. Thank you.

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